What is your ultimate goal?  Where do you see yourself and your family next year and in five years? How can we get you the best outcome for your family?  We will figure that out.  And the firm will fill in the gaps.

  • Guide you through the divorce process.
  • Qualified Social Early Neutral Provider.
  • Equip you with a realistic idea of possible outcomes, duration, and cost of your family law case. 
  • Provide a clear picture of what your rights to marital property and spousal maintenance or support and your obligation is to debt
  • Draft collaborative agreements for you when you and your spouse want to avoid litigation.
  • Provide cost efficient and client driven unbundled legal services.   
  • Establish your standing as a father in the paternity process.
  • Anticipate and avoid future issues related to parenting time by drafting forward thinking agreements.
  • Create and help to enforce child support obligations.
  •  Institute grandparent rights.
  • Represent you or your children in domestic violence (OFP) or harassment (HRO) cases or against false accusations.
  • Anticipate and avoid future issues related to parenting time by drafting forward thinking agreements.
  • Help you navigate changes in your family to modify support, spousal maintenance or support, custody, and parenting time.  
  • Provide sensitive insight in family law cases that include mental health and chemical dependency issues.