We help people navigate the legal complexity of divorces, child custody, domestic violence and child support actions.


Some of the  most trying times of profound stress result from a relationship ending.  The financial and emotional effects can feel overwhelming as you find your new "normal".  We listen to your goals and give you an honest and realistic assessment of your case.  Through education on the legal process whether it be focused on mediation or litigation and frequent client communications, we empower and give you confidence that your case is of utter importance to us.  Because it is. We offer complimentary consultations to help you decide if our firm is a good fit for your family.   Contact the Rybicka Law Office, to find out how we can help you. We handle cases located within Minnesota.




Find out about our firm's services and how we can help you rebuild.



Informational blog regarding divorce, custody, child support, domestic violence and other family law topics.